For Buatin Blandong, age is merely a number

At 92, Blandong recently participated in the 10km run of the Borneo Marathon, further solidifying his role as a model for an active aging society. – NSTP file picBALU: Seratus kanak-kanak kurang upaya antara kira-kira 10,000 peserta yang akan menyertai Maraton Antarabangsa Borneo (BIM) pada 7 Mei

KOTA KINABALU: An inspiring nonagenarian, Buatin Blandong, who made headlines in 2022 after climbing Mount Kinabalu for the eighth time at the age of 90, has once again proven that age is merely a number.

At 92, Blandong recently participated in the 10km run of the Borneo Marathon, further solidifying his role as a model for an active aging society.

The Sabah News reported that this year marked Blandong’s second consecutive participation in the marathon, reinforcing his commitment to defying societal norms.

“I want to show my grandchildren and the younger generation that we should continue to exercise regardless of one’s age. I hope I am able to participate in the Borneo Marathon until I am 95,” he was quoted saying to the Sabah News, while explaining his motivation to join the 10km run.

Ironically, Blandong celebrated his 92nd birthday on May 5, the same day he took part in the marathon.

“To be able to do it on my 92nd birthday was absolutely special. Not many have the chance or opportunity like myself,” he said with pride and a sense of accomplishment.

In the interview, Blandong’s said his goal was not to set a record but was simply to complete the 10km distance.

“Honestly, to be able to complete the 10km is my main goal. To complete it within the cut-off time is simply a bonus,” he told the portal.

Despite his advanced age, Blandong faced and overcame challenges during the marathon.

“I realised I can’t walk as fast as I wanted to and my knee played up a little about two kilometres to the finish line. But that’s okay,” he said.

He too shared that preparation and training were crucial for his success. Last year, he focused on hiking to strengthen his legs. This year he emphasised on walking instead.

“As I enjoy walking, I try to do it two to three times a week. Most weekends, I will go to the Tanjung Aru Beach to train. At times, I train with my daughters and her running buddies. I trained mostly on flat ground these days,” he said.

Blandong’s achievement has not only inspired his family but also the local community and has caught the attention of people across the country.

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